GitHub Comments for your GitHub Pages

Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot

If you’re having trouble adding ghpages-ghcomments to your site, there’s a setting that will help you learn more about what is failing.

In your _data/gpgc.yml file, update this line:

enable_diagnostics: true

With this setting, both the terminal output from the git hooks (in commit and push) and the blog pages will give diagnostic information.



$ git add _posts/

$ git commit -m "Add post describing new setting 'enable_diagnostics'"
(global): enable_diagnostics == true
(global): GitRepoRoot == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments
(global): GpgcCacheFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/.git/gpgc_cache
(global): GpgcDataFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_data/gpgc.yml
(global): operation == commit
Commit: changedPosts == A       _posts/
Commit: allChangedPosts == _posts/
Commit: Adding _posts/ to c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/.git/gpgc_cache
[gh-pages 45905f0] Add post describing new setting 'enable_diagnostics'
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 _posts/

$ git push origin gh-pages
(global): enable_diagnostics == true
(global): GitRepoRoot == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments
(global): GpgcCacheFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/.git/gpgc_cache
(global): GpgcDataFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_data/gpgc.yml
(global): operation == push
Push: siteDataFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_config.yml
GetValueFromYml: ymlFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_data/gpgc.yml
GetValueFromYml: ymlKey == repo_owner
GetValueFromYml: value == wireddown
GetValueFromYml: ymlFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_data/gpgc.yml
GetValueFromYml: ymlKey == repo_name
GetValueFromYml: value == ghpages-ghcomments
GetValueFromYml: ymlFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_data/gpgc.yml
GetValueFromYml: ymlKey == label_name
GetValueFromYml: value == Example GitHub Pages Comments
GetValueFromYml: ymlFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_data/gpgc.yml
GetValueFromYml: ymlKey == label_color
GetValueFromYml: value == 90a959
LabelExists: Querying "" for "Example GitHub Pages Comments"
LabelExists: [
    "url": "",
    "name": "bug",
    "color": "fc2929"
    "url": "",
    "name": "duplicate",
    "color": "cccccc"
    "url": "",
    "name": "enhancement",
    "color": "84b6eb"
    "url": "",
    "name": "help wanted",
    "color": "159818"
    "url": "",
    "name": "invalid",
    "color": "e6e6e6"
    "url": "",
    "name": "question",
    "color": "cc317c"
    "url": "",
    "name": "wontfix",
    "color": "ffffff"
    "url": "",
    "name": "Example GitHub Pages Comments",
    "color": "90a959"
    "url": "",
    "name": "in work",
    "color": "5319e7"
Push: allCommittedPosts == _posts/
GetValueFromYml: ymlFile == _posts/
GetValueFromYml: ymlKey == title
GetValueFromYml: value == Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot
GetValueFromYml: ymlFile == c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/_config.yml
GetValueFromYml: ymlKey == url
GetValueFromYml: value ==
RawUrlEncode: Encoding "Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot"
RawUrlEncode: Result: "Use%20Diagnostics%20to%20Troubleshoot"
IssueExists: Querying "" for "Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot"
IssueExists: {
  "total_count": 0,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [

CreateIssue: Posting to "" with '{"title":"Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot","body":"This is the comment thread for [Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot](","assignee":"wireddown","labels":["Example GitHub Pages Comments"]}'
Created issue "Use Diagnostics to Troubleshoot" for "wireddown/ghpages-ghcomments"
Push: Resetting c:/repos/ghpages-ghcomments/.git/gpgc_cache
Counting objects: 8, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 860 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
   49f71a6..45905f0  gh-pages -> gh-pages


ghpages-ghcomments can detect four problems:

1. gpgc Error: Missing CSS

gpgc Error: Missing CSS

2. gpgc Error: CSS 404

gpgc Error: CSS 404

3. gpgc Error: Search Failed

gpgc Error: Search Failed

4. gpgc Error: Missing Issue

gpgc Error: Missing Issue

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